Ramey Law Firm, PLLC

Dangers of Garbage Truck Accidents

May 28, 2021 @ 01:42 AM — by Hardin Ramey
Tagged with: Garbage Truck Accidents

Garbage trucks travel residential streets collecting trash so that it can be delivered to the local dump or recycling center. There is no question that their job is essential. Unfortunately, these large, heavy trucks can also pose a danger to pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers who share the streets with them.

When garbage truck accidents occur, the effects are often devastating. These types of accidents can cause catastrophic injury or death. Here, truck accident attorney Hardin R. Ramey discusses the unique dangers that garbage truck accidents pose to individuals in Dallas, TX, and surrounding areas. 

Causes of Garbage Truck Accidents

Any vehicle has the potential to be involved in an accident, but the way that garbage trucks travel make them especially susceptible. The movements of garbage trucks tend to be erratic and unpredictable. They make frequent stops for garbage collection. It is not uncommon for garbage trucks to adjust their position several times to align themselves with a trash can, often stopping, reversing, and then pulling forward again before making their collection.

A garbage truck’s unpredictable movements are just one factor that increase the risk of an accident. There are many other factors that can cause garbage truck accidents, such as:

Why Are Garbage Truck Accidents So Damaging?

Garbage truck accidents are a big concern for Dallas drivers, not necessarily because of the frequency at which they occur, but because of the amount of damage that they tend to cause. Garbage truck accidents often result in catastrophic injury or death, in addition to severe property damage. The main reason that garbage truck accidents are so damaging is because of the size and weight of these trucks. 

Garbage trucks are significantly larger and heavier than most passenger vehicles on the road, and that is before they are loaded. On average, a loaded garbage truck weighs around 25 tons. In comparison, the average weight of a standard car is just one and a half tons. If these two vehicles are involved in an accident, it is clear that the smaller vehicle will bear the brunt of the damage, as well as any drivers or passengers inside.

It is not uncommon for individuals involved in a garbage truck accident to suffer injuries such as:

Collecting Compensation for Accident Damages

The types of injuries that result from garbage truck accidents can be painful and emotionally challenging. But on top of these damages, there are financial losses to consider. Victims of garbage truck accidents are likely to need medical care. They may require time off work to recover from their injuries, and some may be unable to return to their previous line of work. 

It is important that liable parties are held accountable for the full extent of garbage truck accident damages. Hardin R. Ramey helps his Dallas clients pursue compensation for both the economic and non-economic losses of an accident, including:

Contact Our Law Firm

If you have been injured in a garbage truck accident, truck accident attorney Hardin R. Ramey can help you consider your best course of legal action. To discuss the details of your accident, send us a message online, or call (972) 437-5577 to schedule a personal consultation.