Ramey Law Firm, PLLC

I've Been Exposed to Toxic Chemicals at Work: What Should I Do?

Oct 15, 2023 @ 10:29 AM — by Hardin Ramey
Tagged with: Toxic Chemical Exposure

Toxic chemicals are a part of many workplaces. Although employers have a responsibility to protect their workers and prevent accidents, injuries at work happen all the time.

Those who have been injured from exposure to toxic chemicals in Dallas, TX, are encouraged to contact the Ramey Law Firm. Work injury attorney Hardin R. Ramey helps hold employers who fail to maintain a safe working environment accountable for their negligence.

What to Do after Toxic Chemical Exposure

Toxic chemical exposure is a dangerous possibility in many workplaces. Exposure can happen when an employer neglects to provide proper training, sufficient safety gear, or fails to maintain equipment.

Toxic chemical exposure may refer to a single incident or happen repeatedly over time. In either case, when toxic chemicals are inhaled or exposed to the body, they can cause respiratory problems, burns, rashes, cancer, and other serious medical conditions.

When exposed to toxic chemicals, it’s important that workers take immediate action for their health and have a better chance of recovering compensation for their injuries either through a worker’s compensation claim or lawsuit. The following are some tips to help in the event of toxic chemical exposure.

Seek Medical Attention

Seek medical attention immediately if exposed to toxic chemicals. Of course, emergency treatment should be administered if necessary. It’s also important to seek medical attention even if there is no obvious injury since exposure to toxic chemicals can cause health problems that are not immediately evident but may be detected through a medical examination.

Document the Exposure

When exposure to toxic chemicals occurs, it’s important to document the exposure. The exposure should be reported to an employer or supervisor and should note where the exposure occurred, when it occurred, and how it happened.

Get a List of Witnesses

If any witnesses were present when the chemical exposure occurred, it’s important to get their names and contact information. If no one else witnessed the accident, it may have been captured in surveillance footage.

Consult a Work Injury Attorney

The process for recovering compensation for injuries from toxic chemical exposure in Dallas can be complicated. Whether filing a worker’s compensation claim or seeking damages through a workplace injury lawsuit, a work injury attorney can help navigate the process to recovering compensation for your injuries.

Recovering Damages

Exposure to toxic chemicals can have life changing consequences including such issues as permanent injuries, chronic illness, neurological damage, and death. Those who have been injured as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals may be able to recover compensation for their injuries and other damages including:

Schedule a Consultation With Attorney Hardin Ramey

If you were exposed to toxic chemicals while on the job, or suffered some other work place injury, it’s important to speak with an attorney as soon as possible.

Work injury attorney Hardin Ramey is available to review your case and help you through the process of recovering compensation. To discuss your injury claim, please contact our office to schedule a consultation at our Dallas law firm.